We Like to Be Different
We're Set apart from the Rest
We're not your typical warehouse, we thrive on being different... As a multi-generational family run company, we treat our customers like our business...
when you're here you're family... It also helps that we have over 200 + combined years of service in the industry. Our philosophy "when your product is perfect
so is your business", let us handle the everything from back office support, logistics, manufacturing, and even a small in house call center. We can handle any
size company, from small start up...to established mature brands... let JPI be your home away from home.
We've Got Experience
Our core management team represents more than 100 years of awesome packaging experience. So to say the least, our years of experience predate
the dinosaurs. Not only that, but our SEDS (Safety, Economy, Durability, Security) audit process can support your package design with an eye
towards functionality and logistics cost.
Our House is Bigger
Our class "E" licensed, FDA registered, state-of-the-art 225,000 sq. ft. facilities, are fully insured, sprinklered, electronically monitored for
fire and security, and features central station and direct local coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And with 20 loading docks to boast of, we are
positive there's nothing we can't handle.
We're Really Flexible
We know that no matter how far in advance and how well you plan disasters will happen. However, we pride ourselves in our ability to guide you
through those mission critical moments by aligning with customers as long-term strategic partners. We'll join you in the development of your annual
plans and help you handle the "surprises"!